If you are a leader of a team, you can select 3 other players on your team to be the co-leader!

To select a co-leader :
- Tap on the Team menu button to bring up the Team menu
- Tap on the "My Team" tab at the top
- Tap on the name of the player that you want to make co-leader
- Tap on the "Promote" button
- The co-leader has the same features as leader.  A co-leader will be able to change the team info and level requirement, set the team status to open or closed, respond to join requests if the team is set to closed, and kick other players from the team, excluding the team leader.

If you want to remove a co-leader, you don't need to "kick" them from the team.

To demote a co-leader :
- Tap on the Team menu button to bring up the Team menu
- Tap on the "My Team" tab at the top
- Tap on the name of the co-leader that you want to demote
- Tap on the "Demote" button