🚧 Obstacles Description
Metal Bubble
Metal Bubbles can’t be popped. Try to drop it!
Frozen Bubble
Pop bubbles next to Frozen Bubble to reveal bubbles of the same color!
Black Hole
Black holes suck unmatched bubbles that are shot close to it.
Morph Bubble
Morph Bubbles change color every move!
When the ghosts are transparent you can’t match it!
Clouds can hold up other bubbles. Hit them to drop everything they’re touching!
Wood Bubble
Hit Wood Bubbles with any bubble to weaken and break it!
Switch Black Hole
Check out the Switch black hole! It becomes dangerously sucking every other shot!
(-) Bubble
Don’t Pop the (-) Bubble or you will lose 2 moves!
(+) Bubble
Pop the (+) Bubble to get 2 moves!
Duo Bubble
Duo Bubbles must be matched twice.
Paint Bubble
When Paint Bubble Popped, color of surrounding bubbles change randomly.
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